Swedish special forces unit.
Examples for "society of genealogists"
Examples for "society of genealogists"
1Renée Hollis is working on the project for the New Zealand Society of Genealogists, After all the researching and writing… Audio
1I was settin' here in a sog like, and didn't hear ye.
2She had officially turned the operation over to SOG during the late afternoon.
3SOG was the marshals' SWAT team, based in Pineville, Louisiana.
4Within two years he had become commander of the Special Operations Group (SOG).
5The campaign in Black Ops I is told through the eyes of Alex Mason, a SOG and CIA operative.
6Doutable had been relieved to learn that the SOG team would not ask for, and did not want, armed assistance.
7Although CA can be activated by the SOG and CC extract, respectively, CC extract inhibited the response to the SOG extract.
8Langley was sending a small six-man SOG team, and they were actively trying to collect any intel that would aid in a rescue.
9"Understood." SOG stood for Special Operations Group.
10"He's agreed to send a SOG team, but doesn't want to put them in-country until you have something solid."